Wednesday 31 January 2018

Durian Cheese Cake

200ml Fresh Milk
200gm Durian Fresh
60gm butter
250gm Cream Cheese
60gm Plain Flour
40gm Corn Flour
4 eggs Yolks

4 eggs White
1/4 tsp Cream Of Tarter
80 gm Sugar

1.Blend Fresh Durian with Milk.
2.Melt cream cheese,butter and blended Durian over a double boiler.Cold the mixture.
3.Sieve Plain flour and corn flour.
4.Slowly Mix in the egg yolk and fold in the durian mixture, then slowly sieved mixture flour and mix well.
5.Make the meringue eggs white with cream of tarter until foamy.Add in the sugar and beat until soft peaks form.
6.Take the  meringue and fold into the cheese mixture.Pour the mixture into a 9 inch round cake pan.
7.Bake in a water bath for 1 hrs or until set and golden brown at 150C.
8.Leave the cake to cool down in the oven with the oven door open about 1 hour.This is to prevent the cake to shrink .
9.Refrigerate the cake for overnight.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Blueberry Cheese Cake

250gm Cream Cheese
100gm Fresh Milk
20gm Butter
65gm Eggs Yolks
40gm Multipurpose Flour
30gm Cornstarch
105gm egg White
90gm Sugar
1tsp Lemon Juice

1.In a bowl ,Double boil cream cheese, milk and butter until the mixture smooth.Set aside.
2.After the cheese mixture has turned warm, add in multipurpose flour and cornstarch.Stir with a whisk until combine.
3.Add in egg yolks into the cheese mixture and stir until combined.
4.In another clean bowl, beat egg white until formy.Put in lemon juice and sugar beat until soft peaks.
5.Fold of egg white into cheese mixture.Slowly Mix until combined.
6.Pour batter into a 8 Inch pan with removable base.
7.Bake water bath, 150C for 45 minutes.
8.Let the cake cool down totally and chill for 1 hours.

Blueberry Mascarpone Cheese Layer

125gm Blueberries
70gm Sugar
1 tsp Lemon Juice
200gm Mascarpone Cheese
100gm Whipping Cream
½ tbsp Gelatin + 2tbsp Hot Water

1.Blend blueberry with sugar and add in lemon juice.
2.Prepare gelatin with hot water bath.Let it cold down.
3.Beat whipping cream until soft peaks, keep in fridge.Then beat mascarpone cheese with blueberry puree until smooth.
4.Add in melt gelatin and combined.
5.Pour the blueberry cheese over the surface of cheese cake.Cheese cake still in the 8 inch mold.
6.Chill for 4 hours of overnight before slicing.