Tuesday 31 March 2015

Mocha Layer Cheese Cake

1/3 Cup Coco Flour
1 Cup Castor Sugar
1 cup Fresh Milk
1 Cup Butter (Melt)
½ Cup Condesion Milk
**11/4 Cup Flour
**1 tsp Bicarbonet
**1½ tsp Baking Powder
2 Eggs (A)
1 tbsp Mocha Emulco

1.** Mix Flour
2. At different bowl beat eggs and castor sugar until fluffy
3. Add in Melt Butter & Condension Milk
4. Add ** Mix Flour
5. Add Mocha Emulco -Mix evenly

Layer Cheese
500gm Cream Cheese
50gm Castor Sugar
2 Egg
4 tbsp Fresh Milk
4 tbsp Flour

1. Beat Cream Cheese and castor sugar.Add In eggs, Fresh Milk and Flour.Mix Evenly

Layer: 180C use 8"x8" Tray

Monday 30 March 2015

Steam Cheddar Cheese Mini Cake

A -3 Eggs , 100gm castor Sugar
B - 5 Slices Cheddar Cheese
      80gm Butter
      125ml Fresh Milk
C - 210 Self-Raising Flour

1. Mix A Evenly, Beat until fluffy
2. Double Boil (B) Until Melted, then add ingredient no 1
3. Add in (C) and mix evenly.
4. Pipe into mould and steam over high flame for 15 minit.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Tiramisu Pudding

250gm Chocolate Sponge Mix
185gm eggs
50ml Water
75gm Butter (Melt)
2 tsb Chocolate Emulco

1. Mix all except melt buller
2. Beat for 5-6 minit, add in melt butter, Bake in 9" Round Tray for 40-45 minit (180C)

Ingredient (A)
Puding Tiramisu
300gm cream cheese
100ml Full Cream Milk
200ml dairy whipping Cream
2 tsb nescafe (mixed with 2 tbsp hot water)
1 tbsp Coffee Emulco

Ingredient (B)
100ml Full Cream Milk
10gm Agar/Agar Or Jelly
180gm Sugar

Ingredient (C)
600ml Full Cream Milk
120gm sugar
2 tsp Nescafe ( mixed with 2 tbsp hot water)
70gm agar-agar or Jelly
1 tbsp coklate emulco

Ingredient (A)
1.Beat Cream Cheese until creamy, add in milk,dairy whipping cream, nescafe and coffee.Mix

Ingredient (B)
Boil Milk, Jelly and sugar. Slowly pour in the Ingredient (A)

Ingredient (C)
1.Boil Milk, Jelly sugar, nescafe and coklate emulco. Keep Aside

1. Sponge Cake= cut to half, put 1 slice into the 8" round tray
2. Slowly pour Cream Cheese, Put in the fridge for few minit until jelly a bit hard
3. And then take another 1 layer Sponge Cake and put on the Jelly Cheese, pour again cream jelly cheese.
Put in the fridge.
4. After Jelly cheese a bit hard, pour Ingredient (C)
5. Fridge overnight.
6. Decoration

Kek Lapis Mocha Pandan


10 Eggs Grad A
500gm Butter
300gm Hong Kong Flour
150gm Castor Sugar
100gm Horlic
150gm Serikaya
300gm Caramel Milk
1 tbsp Ovallete
1 tbsp Pandan Paste
1½ Tbsp Koko powder+1 tbsp nescafe ( mix 1 tbsp hot water)

1. Beat Eggs, sugar and ovallete until fluffy
2. In separate  bowl, beat butter, caramel milk, serikaya, horlic until creamy.
3.Add (1) + (2)
4.Add Hong Kong Flour
5. Divide to 3 portion
    ( 1 x Vanilla, 1 x Pandan Paste and 1 x koko + Nescafe)
6.Bake 180c ( 9" x 9" Tray)
7.1st Layer Use up and down heat , 2nd layer and above upper heat
8. After finish layer bake another 10 minit ( up and down temp)

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Snow Cheese Cake

6 Nos Eggs ( 2 nos white eggs unwanted)
100gm Castor Sugar
100gm Flour
60 gm Corn Flour
50gm cold water
1 sdt Baking Powder
1 sdb Ovelet
75gm Butter (Melt)

250gm Cream Cheese
½ tin Creamer Milk

250gm Chedder Cheese

1.Put all the ingredient in the bowl except Melt Butter.Beat until fluffy.Last add in melt butter.Combine well
2. Put in the 8" baking tray and bake for 1 hrs ..150C
3. While waiting the cake cold...We go to make cream cheese
4. Beat Cream cheese and milk until combine.
5. When the cake cold...cut to half and put cream cheese in the center.
6. Balance cream cheese wipe at the cake body
7.Spread chedder cheese at the cake.

Yam/Pumpkin Cake

600gm yam/pumpkin
400ml water
salt, white pepper
Vegetable oil
Dry Prawn

300gm Rice Flour
450ml Water

1. Shallot  and dry prawn -Blend
2. Put in Vegetable oil in the wok, and fry blend shallot and dry prawn
3.In the bowl, mix rice flour and water
4. Add in yam/pumpkin, water, salt and white pepper
5. Put in the 8" baking trayand steam for 40 minit

Stained Glass Cookies

200gm Butter
110 gm Castor Sugar
2 tsp lemon juices
324gm cake flour
24gm corn flour
½ tsp baking soda
Fruity candy

1. Sift cake flour, corn flour and baking soda, set aside.
2. Beat butter and suagr till light and fluffy
3. Add in lemon juice and flour mixture , mix well.
4. Use a rolling pin, roll the dough to a thin sheet
5. Use cookies cutter to cut dough into desired shapes.Transfer cookies to prepared baking sheets.
6. Using a smaller cookie cutter or a knife, cut shapes into centers of cookies,reserving these center bits to add in extra dough
7.If Cookies will be hung as ornaments or decorations, poke a small hole in the top of each cookies before baking.Bake at pre-heated oven at 160C for 10 minit.Remove the tray from the oven
9. Cut Candy to ½, place it into the hollowed-Out centre of the half baked cookies, try to keep the candy within the center.Any candy specks that fall on the cookies will color the cookies.
10. Continue to bake for another  7- 8 minit, the candy should be melted and bubbling.
11. Removed baking tray from oven and place on wire racks to cool. When Cookies are completely cooled, removed and store in the airtight container.

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Toffle Cheese Cake

1½ cawan Bisket Oreo/Marie/Tiger
5 Sdb Mentega Cair

Hancur Biscut, campur dengan mentage cair, letak dalam loyang 8"
Alas dasar dengan kertas minyak, padat biskut dalam loyang
Simpan dalam peti sejuk selama 1 hrs, kemuadian bakar pada suhu 170c selama 15 minit -Sejukkan

Cheese Cake
250gm cream cheese
150gm gula perang
30gm mentega - dicair
5 biji telur

Pukul cream cheese dengan gula perang hingga lembut.Tambah telur satu persatu dan terus putar.Tambah mentega cair.Tuang adunan kedalam loyang yang terdapat biscut tadi.
Balut adunan dengan Alum tin foil - Steam Bath - 170c 1.15 hrs

1½ Cawan Gula  -Kurangkan
1/4 Cawan Cair
½ Sdt Jus Lemon
1 Cawan Whipping Cream
15gm mentega

Masak gula, air dan jus lemon hingga keperangan, kemudian tambahkan whipping cream dan kacau hingga pekat.Tambah mentaga cair.Biar suam, tuang atas kek tadi.Simpan kedalam peti sejuk semalaman.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Kek Lapis Koko Moca

Bahan A
250gm Butter
150gm Castor Sugar
5 sdb Susu Pekat Manis
14 nos Eggs Yolk

Satukan mentega, gula castor and susu pekat manis kedalam mixer dan pukul hingga kembang &
creamer.Masukkan kuning telur satu persatu dan pukul hingga sebati.Ketepikan

Bahan B
150gm Castor Sugar
7 nos Putih Telur
1/4 sdt serbuk tarter

Dalam bekas lain, pukul putih telur sampai berbuih.Tambah gula dan serbuk tarter dan pukul lagi hingga kaku.Ketepikan

Bahan C
160gm Hong Kong Flour
40gm Horlick
1 sdt  baking Power

Satukan semua bahan C yang telah diayak kedalamadunan dan gaul perlahan hingga sebati.Tuang Pula adunan B dan gaul lagi hingga bercampur sempurna.

Bahan D
11/4 sdt Pewarna Kuning
1 sdb Moca Emulco. Moca Paste
½ sdb Choc Emulco campur dengan 2 sudu besar serbuk kok dan 3 sudu besar air suam

Bahagikan adunana kepada 3 bahagian
1. campur dengan pewarna kuning
2. campur dengan moca paste
3. campur dengan Moca +Coco

Loyang: 8" x 8"
Temp: 170C
1st Layer : Guna Api Atas dan bawah
2nd layer until last: Guna Api Atas sahaja

Layer Moca+coco dahulu lepas habis baru layer moca paste dan akhir sekali kuning
Bakar lagi selama 15 minit untk keseluruhan guna api atas dan bawah