Deep sea Cuttlefish ( 1kg)
3cm galangale (Cut to Slice
3 pc Garlic (Pound)
3tbsp Gula Apong
1tsb 5 spicy Powder
3tbsp Thick Soya Souce
1 Cinnamon
1 Anis
Cooking Oil
1. Rub cuttlefish with 5 spicy powder and salt.Keep aside.
2.In a Work, saute cinnamon, anis,galangale and garlic until fragrance.
3.Add in gula apong and thick soya sauce, cook until bubble come out.
4.Put in cuttlefish and cook until soft.(40 minit to 1 hrs with small heat)
5.In between pour some water if to dry.
6.The best result is,the sauce must be thick.
7. Enjoy With Vineger and chilli.